UK Politicians

John Major Conservative MP

Portrait of John Major

Date: 2016-11-28

Headline: All MPs and Civil Servants who tried to frustrate or cancel BREXIT.

Corruption Level: 10


These MPs, Civil Servants, and public figures all tried to cancel the referendum result of (so called) BREXIT despite the votes being counted and all legal paths were followed correctly. Predictably the voters for Yes (leave the political block that has become the EU) were branded "Racists", "Xenophobes" (and other racial slurs) as well as being labelled "Stupid", "Didn't know what they were voting for", "shouldn't have been allowed to vote", etc.

Below are some quotes from those that stand out as they most extreme insults, slurs, and basically childish outcry's from those on the opposite side.

Tony Blair, John Major, Nick Clegg and Tim Farron are among the big name political figures openly trying to put the brakes on Britain's EU exit and regularly holding meetings to put together a battle plan.

Dozens of MPs are reportedly wrestling with the dilemma of not wanting Britain to leave the European Union at the same time as not wanting to be seen to go against the will of the people.

But an insider of the new Remain movement, which also reportedly includes Chuka Umunna and Anna Soubry, told the Guardian "It's a long process of gradually bringing people round to our way of thinking, on all sides".

"A lot of people are a bit unsure what to do - they're caught between their own views and those expressed at the ballot box, often by their own constituents."

"There's a growing realisation that this is a long game. There's actually very little information out there, and very little substance to get into. It's hard to coalesce people around particular policy positions when the government has no policy to speak of. That's quite a challenge."

The insider's claims will sound the alarm to Brexiteers to push for the triggering Article 50 as quickly as possible, to quash an uprising from the defeated Remainers.

John Major has already come under fire for coming out of the woodwork to stick his oar in the Brexit debate, after telling a private function there was a "perfectly credible case" for a second referendum. He said this week going against the will of the people was not morally wrong because it was safeguarding against the "tyranny of the majority".

Tony Blair is sounding out a sensational return to mainstream politics, having held conversations with George Osborne and "many other people", in a bid to preserve Britain's EU membership.

Tim Farron is openly calling for a halt to the Brexit process and his predecessor as Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg is also looking to retain close ties with the Brussels bloc.

But the Brexit camp got a boost from an unlikely source today as deputy Labour leader Tom Watson accused the Lib Dems of being "Brexit Deniers".

Mr Watson said "The Lib Dems are desperately, openly, shamelessly trying to recover some sort of electoral relevance by coming out as Brexit Deniers".

"I can see why it's attractive to Tim Farron, as the leader of a party on 8%, to want to be the party of the 48%. That can never be an option for a party like Labour, that wants to represent everyone. We are not in denial about Brexit."

"We will not attempt to obstruct the triggering of article 50."

Outcome: Ongoing

Date: 2016-11-28

Headline: All MPs and Civil Servants who tried to frustrate or cancel BREXIT.

Corruption Level: 10


These MPs, Civil Servants, and public figures all tried to cancel the referendum result of (so called) BREXIT despite the votes being counted and all legal paths were followed correctly. Predictably the voters for Yes (leave the political block that has become the EU) were branded "Racists", "Xenophobes" (and other racial slurs) as well as being labelled "Stupid", "Didn't know what they were voting for", "shouldn't have been allowed to vote", etc.

Below are some quotes from those that stand out as they most extreme insults, slurs, and basically childish outcry's from those on the opposite side.

The EU has always been the enemy of democracy. Run by unelected oligarchs, it despises the very concept of the popular will.

Its quasi-imperial arrogance and lack of accountability that were prime reasons for the decisive Leave vote by the British people in the June referendum. Yet ever since the Remoaners have been replicating the undemocratic impulses of the Brussels regime they worship.

The vote for Brexit was by far the largest for any cause in the entire history of the British politics, but more than five months later the pro-EU fanatics still refuse to accept it. All their efforts are devoted to undermining the legitimacy of the outcome.

So they demonise Leave voters as bigots or idiots, continually demand a second referendum, indulge in judicial obstructionism and spread propaganda that paints the Brexit process as either terrifyingly dangerous or impossibly complicated.

Far from feeling any shame over their undemocratic antics, the Remoaners are stepping up their anti-Brexit campaign. Last week that peevish prince of mediocrity John Major, whose last encounter with democracy led to the Tories' heaviest defeat in almost a century, took to the stage to argue that there is "a perfectly credible case" for a second referendum.

He then followed this up with the melodramatic statement that Brexit must not be decided "by the tyranny of the majority". This phrase was originally coined in 1788 by the American politician John Adams to describe his fears about the risks of a dictatorship under mob rule.

Major wanted to slur Brexit supporters as the nasty agents of totalitarianism but his charge was absurd. If any organisation is dictatorial and divisive it is the EU which was created in 1992 by the Maastricht Treaty that he pushed through Parliament without any public vote.

In the elitists' guerrilla war against Brexit, Major was joined by Tony Blair, the man who gave Britain rampant immigration and the Iraq invasion. In an interview last week, Blair described EU withdrawal as "a serious mistake" which "can be stopped" if the people are given a full "cost benefit analysis".

So desperate is Blair to halt Brexit that he plans to set up a new organisation to promote continued EU membership. Already he has been talking about his scheme to figures like the former Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg and the rock celebrity Bob Geldof, who has described Brexit voters as "an army of stupidity".

Reportedly Blair has secured funding from pro-Remain businessman Richard Branson, while his key henchman Alastair Campbell was heard at a private dinner last week urging his guests Peter Mandelson and ex-MI6 Chief John Sawers to "fight back against Brexit".

If the Remain lobby cannot thwart Brexit, they are determined to keep Britain in the EU's single market as a fallback position. Yesterday it was revealed that the Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, an assiduous promoter of anti-Brexit scare stories, has held meetings with business leaders to put the case for Britain's continued membership of the single market for at least two years after our formal EU withdrawal in 2019.

But that would mean open borders, free movement, the acceptance of Brussels jurisdiction and further contributions to EU coffers, exactly what the British people voted against in June. This drive to block the Referendum result shows a profound disdain for the electorate.

But just as offensive is the flight from economic reality. A central theme of the Remoaners' campaign is that the Brexit vote is "a catastrophe", to quote Blair again, which will inflict untold damage on our economy. But this bleak prediction keeps being confounded by events.

On Friday figures showed that business investment rose by 0.9 per cent in the three months to September, when economists had predicted a drop of 1 per cent. In recent days IBM, Amazon, Google and Facebook have all announced massive increases in their British operations.

"The UK has been a tremendous market for us. We see big opportunities here," declared Google announcing a £1billion investment in London. Then Jaguar Land Rover unveiled plans to expand its workforce by 10,000 and make one million vehicles-a-year in post-Brexit Britain.

The state of the economy is the direct opposite of the gloomy picture painted by the Remoaners. High-street sales are growing at their fastest rate for more than a year while exports are up 0.7 per cent.

Unemployment fell again this month, down to just 4.8 per cent, a far lower rate than most of Europe. Overall the economy grew by 0.5 per cent in the latest quarter, making a mockery of the grim predictions that by now the Brexit vote would have pushed Britain into recession.

Moreover, as the Autumn Statement highlighted, our public finances will soon receive a huge boost, worth around £10billion-a-year, from the end to the vast subsidies we now have to fork out for Brussels. Major said last week that the EU trading bloc is “the richest market mankind has ever seen”.

That was another of his absurd hyperboles. In truth the EU is a vast engine of debt, jobs destruction and dysfunction, limping from one crisis to another. No British patriot could possibly be a cheerleader for our membership of this failing, oppressive empire.

Outcome: Ongoing

Date: 2016-11-28

Headline: All MPs and Civil Servants who tried to frustrate or cancel BREXIT.

Corruption Level: 10


These MPs, Civil Servants, and public figures all tried to cancel the referendum result of (so called) BREXIT despite the votes being counted and all legal paths were followed correctly. Predictably the voters for Yes (leave the political block that has become the EU) were branded "Racists", "Xenophobes" (and other racial slurs) as well as being labelled "Stupid", "Didn't know what they were voting for", "shouldn't have been allowed to vote", etc.

Below are some quotes from those that stand out as they most extreme insults, slurs, and basically childish outcry's from those on the opposite side.

John Longworth, the former head of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said europhiles were being "disingenuous" with their claims that people did not understand quitting the EU would also mean leaving the single market. The influential business figure highlighted four unequivocal comments from the most senior campaigners on both sides of the argument which made it "absolutely clear" that would be the case.

His remarks came as new Lib Dem MP Sarah Olney sparked outrage by insisting there should be a second referendum because people did not know what they were voting for. The newly-installed Richmond Park representative had to be humiliatingly pulled from a car crash radio interview when she was quizzed about the claim and failed to answer even the most basic questions about the EU.

And firmly rebutting her claim today, Mr Longworth highlighted four crystal clear statements - two from Remainers David Cameron and George Osborne, and two from Brexiteers Nigel Farage and Michael Gove - confirming Brexit meant leaving the single market.

David Cameron, June 12 "The British public would be voting, if we Leave, to leave the EU and leave the Single Market."

George Osborne, June 8 "We'd be out of the Single Market, that’s the reality, Britain would be quitting, quitting the Single Market."

Michael Gove, May 8 "We should be outside the Single Market."

Nigel Farage, February 22 "I don't want to be part of the European Single Market, I want Britain to leave the European Union, be an independent country and trade with the world".

Mr Longworth, who was controversially ousted from his post at the BCC after declaring for Brexit, said Remoaners should now "accept the verdict of the British people".

He said "Remain and Leave campaigners were absolutely clear before the referendum that Leave meant leaving the Single Market".

"They were right. Leaving the Single Market is the only way we can take back control of our laws, our borders and our money."

"And any attempt by 'Remain' to now claim you didn't know what you were voting for is entirely disingenuous."

"We urge those who supported Remain not to seek to delay, obstruct or dilute the Brexit process – but to accept the verdict of the British people and embrace the huge opportunities on the horizon for a free and independent United Kingdom."

Outcome: Ongoing

Average Crime Score: 10.00 - Total Recorded Crimes: 3