UK Politicians

Alan Campbell Labour MP

Portrait of Alan Campbell

Date: 2018-10-18

Headline: MP's who have directly benefited from the covid fiasco by giving themselves huge PPE contracts..

Corruption Level: 50

Content: Many many companies were given huge tax-payer funded contracts to make PPE for a virus no more dangerous than a dose of flu. These companies were either owned by MPs directly, their spouses, or their friends. Hundreds of £millions were given out with no public consultation, bypassing the usual tendering process, under the guise that 'there wasn't the time' etc.

Outcome: Nothing! Despite calls from the public to have a public enquiry, nothing has of yet been done. The only MPs demanding an investigation were those not in the position to start a PPE company of their own, therefore never benefited financially.

Average Crime Score: 50.00 - Total Recorded Crimes: 1