UK Politicians

Nicholas Soames Conservative MP

Portrait of Nicholas Soames

Date: 2008-05-15

Headline: Road Menace

Corruption Level: 5


On 15 May 2008, Soames pleaded guilty to riding a quad bike on a public road without motor insurance. Since he had several previous offences on his licence, he was disqualified from driving for two months, fined £200, and ordered to pay a £15 victim surcharge and costs of £35 by magistrates.


In 2012, he was disqualified from driving for a fortnight for speeding at 51 mph in a 30 mph residential area. Soames was also fined £666, plus £85 court costs and a £15 victim surcharge. According to The Argus, a Sussex paper, it was "the third time he has been caught flouting traffic laws in four years"

Average Crime Score: 5.00 - Total Recorded Crimes: 1