UK Politicians

Dean Jenkins Conservative

Portrait of Dean Jenkins

Date: 2005-07-03

Headline: FBI Led Investigation

Corruption Level: 20


Dean Jenkins, a former Tory Councillor was caught in a Massive Police clampdown on internet paedophiles.

Jenkins, of Lower Machen, was abroad when police raided his home and seized computer equipment as part of the FBI-led Operation Ore Investigation into Child Pornography Websites and their subscribers. Newport Crown Court heard that a total of 5,070 accessible images of young boys were found, as well as a further 2,000 deleted images.

After surrendering to Newport police station, he was interviewed and bailed. The councillor was then suspended from his job, but the 44-year-old only resigned from representing the Graig ward on Newport Council shortly before his court appearance.

The court also discovered Jenkins had 'made and distributed more indecent images while he was on bail'.

Jenkins, who pleaded guilty to all 39 charges, was given an extended period of supervision of 30 months on his release from jail.

Judge David Morris sentenced Jenkins to 14 months in prison for possessing, making and distributing thousands of pornographic images of children, he also disqualified Jenkins from working with children, ordered the surrender of the computer equipment taken from Jenkins' home and for Jenkins' name to be put on the sex offenders' register for 10 years.

After the hearing, Computer Crime Investigator Gary Probert said: "In 35 years of working with Gwent Police, these are among the most horrendous images we have [ever] come across."

Average Crime Score: 20.00 - Total Recorded Crimes: 1