UK Politicians

Greg Vincent Labour Councillor

Portrait of Greg Vincent

Date: 2007-08-01

Headline: Election Agent Turns to Hardcore Child Pornography

Corruption Level: 40


Vincent was given a two-year Community Rehabilitation Order by Southwark Crown Court.

The court heard that the 32-year-old would use the internet from his office at the University of London using the log-on name Heebee Jeebee. He was caught when police used specialist computer software to recover files from the computer, even ones Vincent had deleted in a bid to cover his tracks.

The prosecution said Vincent had shared the child porn images with others via an internet paedophile network. He had had earlier pleaded guilty to six charges of making and distributing indecent images of a child.

Judge Christopher Hardy told Vincent: "This was very unpleasant material but by no means the worst kind the courts see from time to time." adding "The possession of this material is the result, as you put it, of depression and boredom rather than perversion."

Vincent has now lost his £24,000-a-year adminstrator job at the university, resigned as a councillor and is no longer a school governor.

The court heard that his partner Regina Williams (also a Labour councillor) had stood by him. They have a child together. Police refused to comment on the sentence.


Average Crime Score: 40.00 - Total Recorded Crimes: 1