A former Bradford Tory councillor and National Front activist today received a suspended jail sentence for indecently assaulting two young girls.
A judge heard how 70-year-old Jim Merrick had habitually invited youngsters as young as eight years old to his home for weekends, and then assaulted the two of the children in his shower.
During the three-week trial, Merrick, now of Grange-over-Sands in Cumbria, had denied 23 charges of indecent assault and one of gross indecency with a child. He was cleared of all but two specimen charges of indecent assault and appeared at Bradford Crown Court today for sentencing.
Richard Newbury, prosecuting, said: "The allegations were that he habitually invited and collected young girls to stay with him at weekends and those girls would receive various treats." He added that 'part of the night-time routine' would see him invite the girls into the shower, and this is where his two victims were assaulted. One of the attacked youngsters was between 9 and 12 when the offences occurred.
Sophie Drake, representing Merrick, said: "He continues to deny the offences." adding "He accepts that he showered them until they were old enough to shower themselves, but denies indecent intent." She said: "Although he has political views that some people might not agree with, he is a man of previous good character."
Merrick's sandblasting business had lost £26,000 through the course of the trial and he had spent 25 days in custody on remand, she added.
Judge Stephen Gullick said that although he sentenced Merrick for sample charges (which represented offences happening a number of times) he was limited to sentencing him as if they had occurred on one single occasion. The Judge said that some of the girls had taken money from him and even tried to blackmail Merrick.
He told Merrick: "Nevertheless you continued to allow the girls to come to your house and at the very least some of the behaviour you indulged in or permitted was unwise."
He ordered that a separate inquiry take place into Merrick's income and assets and added: "You should pay a substantial amount towards your own costs and that of the prosecution." The prosecution alone is thought to have cost more than £30,000.
He sentenced Merrick to nine months in prison suspended for two years. He also placed him on the Sexual Offenders Register for ten years.
Judge Gullick paid tribute to investigating officer PC Paul Stainburn for his works and added "The thanks of the public are due to him."
Finding the former Tory Party councillor guilty, Merrick received a 9-month jail sentence (suspended) and placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years.