UK Politicians

Louise Burrows Conservative Councillor

Portrait of Louise Burrows

Date: 2002-09-01

Headline: Broken Window Syndrome

Corruption Level: 5


Tory Councillor Louise Burrows failed to convince Doncaster Magistrates that she was acting in self-defence when she was found guilty of attacking three children with a whip after a window in her house had been smashed.

A 13-yr-old boy was left with bruising to his left leg after being hit three times, a nine-year-old boy was hit twice and a 12-yr-old girl was slapped as she attempted to ride off on her bicycle.

The magistrate gave Burrows a 6-month Community Rehabilitation Order and ordered her to pay compensation of £75 each to both boys, plus costs of £300. No one was charged for the actual broken window.


The magistrate gave Burrows a six-month community rehabilitation order and ordered her to pay compensation of £75 each to both boys, plus costs of £300.

Unabashed, Burrows – who was accompanied at court by her partner, Labour Councillor Keith Coulton – announced that she supports government policy on anti-social behaviour and has applied to join Doncaster Labour Party.

Average Crime Score: 5.00 - Total Recorded Crimes: 1