UK Politicians

Nicholas Green Labour Lord Mayor

Portrait of Nicholas Green

Date: 1998-10-01

Headline: Wedding Day Rapist

Corruption Level: 30


Green, a Labour Party Lord Mayor and Party Councillor was charged with 13 counts of rape, and numerous counts of assaults on young Children. He raped one woman on her wedding day.

Nicholas Green woke up one morning to have police drag him from his bed in Westhoughton Lancashire. He was dragged off to the police station and charged with raping numerous children under the age of 10 years.

One victim who he had raped since she was a child, was blackmailed into continuing to give him sex even when she was engaged to be married. He told her "silence for more sex" meaning he would tell her soon to be Husband about their past unless she had sex with him. On the actual day of her wedding, he pulled her into a room and threatened to tell all the guests about her past unless she had sex with him. He then raped her in her wedding dress on her wedding day.

The then Labour Mayor for Westhoughton (Lancashire) Nicholas Green was convicted and jailed for 10 years for the 3 rapes, and 13 counts of indecent assault against little girls aged between 6 and 10.

Nick Green died in prison while serving his sentence.

Average Crime Score: 30.00 - Total Recorded Crimes: 1