UK Politicians

Terry Power Labour Councillor

Portrait of Terry Power

Date: 2011-11-29

Headline: Beast of Dagenham

Corruption Level: 40


Terry Power, Labour Councillor for Dagenham (London), who became known as the 'Beast of Dagenham' due to his crimes, was forced to resign in 1999 after being arrested and charged with sex attacks on teenage boys. Power would roam the streets looking to prey on youngsters who found themselves in a 'hard up' lifestyle from single parent families. He molested and took indecent photos of 3 young boys.

Terry Power was a Labour Party Councillor in Dagenham, London, where he would roam the streets looking to prey on youngsters who found themselves in a 'hard up' lifestyle from single parent families. One afternoon he came across and gained the confidence of a young boy aged 10 years old. Power took him to his home where he violated him. After the horrific sex attack on the child, Power then subjected the boy to humiliating 'Poses as he took pictures of the boy naked.

Within weeks another boy aged 9 years was attacked by Power. Again, the boy was taken into a house where he was sexually abused by Power. As with the first (known) victim, little boy was then subjected to a humiliating photo shoot.

The Third little boy was an 8 year old. Although Power did not abuse this boy physically, he did however subject the boy to what court witnesses said was the most Degenerate Sexual Degradation of any Human Being, let alone a child.

not long after, the police apprehended the 'Beast of Dagenham at his home. When the case went to court it was alleged the newspapers played it down for fear of Terry Power being set upon by the people of Dagenham.


Labour Councillor Terry Power was found guilty of all charges against him, but was only given a 30 month jail sentence. the photos of the children the labour party councillor took were shown to the jury who were sickened by what Terry Power had done. After sentence was past on the beast, some cheered and some booed because the sentence was so light.

Average Crime Score: 40.00 - Total Recorded Crimes: 1