UK Politicians

Keith Potts Labour Councillor

Portrait of Keith Potts

Date: 2008-11-12

Headline: Keith Potts Labour Party Councillor & Junior School Governor Guilty of Making Child Porn Images

Corruption Level: 20


It emerged that he failed to inform authorities of his arrest on November 12, 2008, which would have led to his suspension. Instead, he continued to serve as the chairman of the board of governors alongside his wife. In 2010, neither of them were allowed to be involved in the running of the school and were quickly replaced.

At the time a county council spokesman, said "The council, following due process, is able to withdraw support for a local authority representative as a school governor through the local ward members. The local member for Ouston and Urpeth, Coun Colin Carr withdrew his support in this instance."

Councillor Carr, who said he was not prepared to discuss the reason for the withdrawal of his support, had become a governor at the school.

The Crown Prosecution Service said that none of the images found on Mr Potts' computer at Edenfield, West Pelton, Chester-le-Street, was connected to pupils at the school.

Potts was the chairman of governors for 27 years, but failed to inform police of his position or Durham County Council of the investigation when he was arrested.


On January 26 of 2010, he was charged with 13 counts of making indecent images of children and remained in his post at the school until his first appearance at Consett Magistrates’ Court on February 9, when he resigned.

Potts, a former Labour Party councillor, who was 60 at the time of his trial, and served on Chester-le- Street District Council, accepted a police caution for possessing 24 indecent images of children. He had to sign on the Sex Offenders Register for two years.

Average Crime Score: 20.00 - Total Recorded Crimes: 1