Bambos Charalambous - Labour MP - Average: 10.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Bell Ribeiro-Addy - Labour MP - Average: 10.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Ben Greenstone - Conservative Civil Servant - Average: 10.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Ben Redsell - Conservative The town, district and county councillor - Average: 50.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Ben Williams - Labour - Average: 50.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Bill Chadwick - Liberal Democrat Councillor - Average: 50.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Bill Field - Labour MP - Average: 5.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Bill Walker - SNP MP - Average: 20.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Bob Bate - Conservative Councillor - Average: 20.0 - with 3 counts of corruption.
Bob Spink - UKIP MP - Average: 5.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Boris Johnson - Conservative MP - Average: 10.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Brian Deacon - Councillor - Average: 50.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Brian gate - Labour Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families - Average: 50.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Brian Hutchinson - DUP Party treasurer - Average: 50.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Brian Stevens - Civil Servant - Average: 35.0 - with 2 counts of corruption.
Briege Meehan - Sinn Fein Councillor - Average: 50.0 - with 1 count of corruption.