Gareth Lewis - Labour Councillor - Average: 5.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Garry Allighan - Labour MP - Average: 10.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Gary Anderson - Green party Councillor - Average: 20.0 - with 3 counts of corruption.
Gavin Leist - BNP Councillor - Average: 20.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Geoffrey Ray - Liberal Democrats Bromsgrove Branch Chairman - Average: 20.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
George Harding - Councillor - Average: 40.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
George Lord - Conservative Leader of Worcestershire County Council - Average: 40.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
George Osborne - Conservative MP - Average: 15.0 - with 2 counts of corruption.
Geraint Davies - Labour MP - Average: 10.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Gerry Adams - Sinn Fein MP - Average: 40.0 - with 2 counts of corruption.
Gilbert Benn - Labour Councillor - Average: 40.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Gillian Keegan - Conservative MP - Average: 0.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Gordon Brown - Labour MP - Average: 40.0 - with 3 counts of corruption.
Graham Bould - Labour Chair of Shropshire County Council's Social Services - Average: 40.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Graham Pearson - Labour Councillor - Average: 40.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Graham White - Labour Parish Councillor - Average: 40.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Greg Vincent - Labour Councillor - Average: 40.0 - with 1 count of corruption.
Guy Opperman - Conservative MP - Average: 10.0 - with 1 count of corruption.